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Finding my purpose

Confession time…

Everybody knows me as the “girl on TV.”

It’s easy I get it, you see someone on television and think you know them.

But if you ask my mom, I’m Melina the loud one at the dinner table who is always questioning “the rules” of life.

If you ask my best friend, she’ll say Melina is a badass girl-power friend who has a fun loving attitude towards life.

For years I questioned if people saw me the same way I saw myself in the mirror.

Truth is, it doesn’t matter.

After getting my journalism degree, I thought I had landed my dream job, but that dream turned into a corporate ladder-climbing nightmare. I physically had to remove myself from North America and travel to 12 countries with a 46-L backpack to figure out my purpose.

Wanna know what lights me up? Making people feel, own, and celebrate their enough-ness.

One of the key things I focus on is helping young entrepreneurs get comfortable in their skin, stay true to themselves and overcome their biggest fear.

For so many that’s pressing LIVE and showing their faces on social media.

Because we’re afraid we will suck...

Because we’re afraid of looking stupid…

Because we’re afraid of what our friends and family will think when they see...

So tell me, what is stopping you from going LIVE?


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